Welcome back to the 2021-2022 school year. It might not be the year we wanted, but it is the year we have! After a summer of semi-normalcy we are starting back with masks, social distance, and COVID precautions. Thanks alot, Delta.
As we reevaluate our fall plans and come to terms with the changes that are happening in our school and our lives we are once again reminded that our purpose here has not changed. We are still teachers. We still have our mission to educate and care for the students that sit in front of us each day.
As you move forward, putting your students first, as you always do, we want to remind you that you are important too. We live in a world that is pulling you in a hundred different directions, always wanting one more piece of your time. We want to remind you that it is okay to slow down, to pause, and to put into practice the little things that can be healing and caring for you.
It is with great intentionality that we are beginning our SEL journey not with our students but with our staff. It is no false modesty to say that without you, none of this would work. You are the backbone of this entire operation and our goal is to seek out ways to help and support your work,
Drink Your Water. Fill Your Cup.