From what I understand about blogging, which is remarkably little, it is always important to have a solid fan base. Loyal readers that will come back, week after week, post after post, to read and comment. Thankfully I have this in my one woman fan club. Thankfully I have my mother. So like any dutiful daughter I thought I should write a post that only a mother could love. I thought I would write a post full of the the outtakes from our recent YouTube catastrophe, Fun Friday, The One with My Kids.
This week's Fun Friday video started with a brainstorming session between another counselor and myself. What could we do for Fun Friday that would be fun and different and accessible to all our families stuck at home. Mr. Heinly mentioned that this week was Earth Day and the plan was struck. The kids and I would do an Earth Day craft and Mr. Heinly would do an introduction and some jokes. It would be fun we decided. And it was something.
The kids and I picked what seemed like it would be an easy craft.
Recycled flowers. Seems simple, you take old boxes or food labels and cut them out in to shapes and then glue them to construction paper. Simple, if you are the kind of person who has construction paper, or recycling, or really any crafting ability. But the kids and I persevered. With no recycling, we emptied half eaten boxes of food into tupperware and cut up the boxes. In search of construction paper we went through the not one, but two craft bins full of spilled bottles of glitter and half broken crayons to no avail. There was no colorful paper to be found in the Dougherty household. We did, however, come across old canvases from a half completed project that we repurposed and immediately elevated our craft to ART. Canvases painted a solid color and we were feeling it, we were artists.
And so it was time to make a Fun Friday video. Patrick said that he wanted to explain what Earth Day was. Oisin wanted to introduce everyone. Camille, as always, was being a great big sister and hanging out with the rest of us crazies.
Our first take, Oisin needed to check on my name...
Our second take, the dogs barked. There was a leaf. It was in our yard. Thankfully the dogs protected us.
Our third attempt. (Or at least the third attempt that we had the video rolling for. There might have been a couple where we didn't hit play.) Nana does have a dog. Patrick is wearing pajamas. And today, our floors are not lava. Our floors are quicksand, so be careful!
Our best attempt. Yes, Patrick is still in pajamas. Yes, Oisin introduces PJ for a very long time. Yes, Oisin might look like he is picking his nose. Yes, my mother will be proud of us.
Of all the lessons I have learned in this life, the one I hold closest is this. My mother is always there. No matter where I go and no matter what I do I know that I have a fan club. I hope that one day my children feel the same. I hope that they know their mother sees them and is proud of them. I hope that they know the utter delight and pure joy I know as their mama.